Gravel cycling has exploded in recent years with an influx of new items about gravel bike riding all over the place. While there are certainly many new things regarding gravel bike riding as of now, the basic concept of riding on trails and dirt roads is not entirely novel. So it’s no wonder that companies have begun making road bikes out of gravel which feature the same cross-country wheels and bike set-up that you would find on a mountain bike. This makes gravel bike riding a great option for cyclists looking for a lighter, simpler way to ride a bike.
Central Texas is the perfect place to pack on the miles and appreciate the rolling hills. Flying Cow Ranch offers guided rides with a sag wagon for half and full day excursion or simple rout planning to be sure you get the most out of your adventure here in central texas. Within just a few miles of the ranch there are fossil covered hilltops and lush valleys. The best way to experience the beauty of this land is on bike. Bicycles offer the perfect pace, you can cover many miles and terrain in one day while moving at a pace that you can observe your environment.
Gravel riding is something of a cinch, too. Unlike road biking or mountain biking, gravel biking is a sport which can be enjoyed by individuals of almost any age. And while most gravel bike trails are not exactly short distances, they can still be long enough that you won’t have to deal with traffic and other variables that you would on a longer bike trail. Instead of dealing with steep hills, smooth climbs and other elements that might overwhelm you as you bike on standard bikes, you’ll simply pedal over rugged terrain that’s carved just for cycling.
But that’s not the only advantage to gravel cycling. In fact, many people who’d never consider taking up mountain biking or even long distance (LMD) cycling before have now started considering doing so. Why? Because gravel biking offers an all-around bike workout. It’s far more challenging than traditional bike exercises because you’re working out different muscle groups on each stroke. This means that you get a more complete workout and can enjoy a more fun cycling experience.
This isn’t to say that you should ignore wearing road bikes with tires made from rubber, though. If you’re in reasonably good shape already, then by all means, keep your regular bike running, but add on a gravel bike exercise program. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you lose the ability to pedal as you tire yourself out on these rough terrain vehicle tires. On the other hand, if you’re a beginner in gravel riding, don’t worry; you can start on road bike tires and slowly work your way into gravel riding.
Speaking of handlebars, when you’re going on a gravel ride, you want something that allows you to feel comfortable and is easy to get used to. This is where your choice in bike tires comes into play. When you compare these two items side-by-side, it becomes obvious that the difference between regular (meaning, ‘standard’) handlebars and gravel handlebars is fairly minimal. If you’re new to cycling, then you can just stick with regular handlebars until you get more familiar with the varying grips available. As you gain experience, you can replace your regular handlebar with one of the more aerodynamic handlebars on the market – those with drop bars and wide bars.
Finally, remember that one of the most important differences between a mountain bike and gravel bike riding is the suspension system that you’ll be riding on. Regular mountain bike suspensions are perfect for smooth rides, but gravel bikes (and any other kind of bike for that matter) need to have their suspension set up differently. Because gravel bikes typically involve a much shorter distance for suspension travel, you’ll need to look at what kind of suspension you need for your ride. Among the options you have are hardtail and softball suspensions, which vary in terms of how they set up the bike and how they work in relation to the terrain you’ll be riding on.